Friday, April 22, 2011

Happy Earth Day and Happy 86th birthday Great Gramma Kline!

Today was another busy day! I went to Great Gramma Kline's place for lunch. It is her 86th birthday! I gave her a photo of me and a purple geranium flower pot (because purple is her favorite)! I was the talk of the senior center today. They were watching me walk up and down the hallways and smiling :) After we left there we went to Tumbling Tykes, which is an indoor playground for toddlers and kids. At first I was overwhelmed with all the big kids and new toys, but Mommy helped me pick out toys I'd like. My favorite was the ball pit, the huge caterpillar I could crawl through, and the play house. I'm going to sleep like a rock tonight! The picture I'm including is of Great Gramma Kline last year when I was born- enjoy!

Canstruction exhibit at the NYS Museum

On Thursday I went to the NYS Museum to see Daddy's Rock' Em Sock' Em Robots. He worked so hard with his fellow coworkers over the last few months getting it all prepared and ready for the food drive. The Times Union newspaper has an excellent article explaining the event and pictures of my daddy's work. While I was looking at the exhibits I also got to ride the Carousel and play in the discovery center. By the time we left and got home I was exhausted! All this walking is tuckering me out!

My 12 month pictures at iSmile Studios!

Every month I go get my pictures done at  iSmile Studios  in Colonie Center mall. Lately I've not been smiling and cooperating. Mommy and Daddy were worried how my birthday pictures would go. They took me to Friendly's before we went, hoping it would put me in a good mood. IT DID! I had a blast, especially when everyone let me do a cake smashing. How cool is that!? Thank you Delilah for taking awesome pictures of me!
iSmile Studios
Colonie Center                      
Albany, New York                

Visiting my new cousin Madison

I have to say when I walked in a was a little confused. Madison was sleeping, this little tiny baby. But she was in MY bouncer! I tried to take her out of it so I could get in it. Then I looked around the room. She had my play mat too! I realized this was just the beginning of the sharing I would have to do. Not only was I having to share my toys, but my Mommy too! I got really jealous when she was in Mommy's arms... It's going to take me a while to get used to me being a toddler and her being the baby. It will be a lot more fun when she can get into trouble with me....

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

I got to have another birthday party!

This time I shared it with my Great Great Grandma Margaret who is going to be 97!!! The Vice Family all got together for a few hours to celebrate. I received more clothes and an autographed book that has a puppy with it! I like the puppy the best. When I finally found the stairs I kept Hannah busy by going up them over and over and over....

A Visit to Aunt Mar's house

Great Aunt Sheila and Great Uncle Fred were visiting Great Auntie Mar. Mommy, Grammy and I went to go visit on Sunday, April 10th for lunch. It's soo weird because Auntie "Sheewee" has a voice just like Grammy's voice!! I only got to visit for a short while because they were heading back to NJ. I can't wait to go to their NJ shorehouse this summer to play on their boat, swim in their pool, and hang out with my cousins, Aaron, Rachel, and Ryan!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

My 1st birthday party!

Wow. There were so many people here! I got to see my grandparents, friends, other family members... all I really wanted was my Mommy, Daddy, Grammy, Grampa, or Miss Denise. I couldn't take in that many people at once. I did play outside with my friends. Everyone sang happy birthday to me and that was my favorite part! By the end when everyone wanted me to open presents I just wanted to relax. I refused to nap because I knew people were still downstairs, so I played with my new play kitchen toys instead. Finally, I gave in and let Mommy put me down for a nap. Thanks for sharing in my special day everyone!!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Today is my birthday!

Today is my birthday and I am 1 year old! YAY! Now I'm a big girl who can walk (or attempt to without falling down...), drink whole milk, and lots more fun stuff! I'm went to Friendly's for lunch with Mommy, Daddy, Grammy and Grampa. Then I saw my aunt, uncle, and new cousin Maddy. Mommy made me my favorite dinner, spaghetti and chicken parm. For dessert they gave me a cupcake! After all the excitement I am pooped. I need lots of rest for tomorrow's big party...

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

.... and I'm walking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I've decided it's time... enough of the bruises on my knees and dog hair on my pants. My shoes were made for walking, and that's just what I'll do!!! I may only be taking a few steps in this video, but by my birthday I could be cruising...for a bruising on my bottom from walking tooooo fast!!

Monday, April 4, 2011

My new cousin is born!

Madison Rae Evans was born on Wednesday, March 30th. She was 7 lbs. 14 oz! I went to go visit my Aunt Lori, Uncle Dave and Maddy  that night. The best part was that I got to go to Friendly's for dinner! Here are some pictures of my family welcoming her into the world! I can't wait until she's old enough to play with me!